Thursday, March 12, 2015

Carringer Farms

     Last Summer we visited Doctor Don and Miss Belinda's farm, Carringer Farms. We met both Doctor Don and Miss Belinda at our local Farmer's Market! Our visits to Carringer Farm are always AMAZING!!! Doctor Don grows beautiful (and yummy) vegetables and Miss  Belinda grows beautiful flowers. They also have around 100 chickens. The first time we visited their farm Doctor Don let us ride in the trailer that he hitched to his tractor, also he let my little brother drive (with a little help). We get almost all of our organic food from Carringer farm. We would be very hungry without them. Some of the things we get are potatoes, spinach, kale, squash (winter and summer),  tomatoes, eggplant, delicious cabbage, and best of all beautiful, awesome, yummy, strawberries.

     I'd like to add to what my sister wrote. Carringer Farms is a beautiful farm nestled in the valley. The first time we visited we were driving down the road and Grand said "Look kids, wouldn't you like to have that farm"! We drove on and the road turned to gravel. We backed up and noticed that the farm we passed WAS the Carringer's farm. We loved getting to go and visit and are really looking forward to getting to go again this year! We are also looking forward to getting some blueberries from them. We hope to someday find our own farm that is as beautiful as the Carringger's. Doctor Don and Miss Belinda, If you ever want to sell your farm let us know first, we're saving up a down payment, we already have $68!

     If you want to learn more about Carringer Farms, visit them on the web at  and

1 comment:

  1. Their farm IS beautiful! And the house and the barn are gorgeous. You didn't even mention that! Their food is wonderful, and so are their honey and preserves. They are so sweet to open their home to us.
